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TV Incongrue

Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2016 edited

    Ça me plaît beaucoup :

    With the smell of fire crackers still in the air, Dokedo is ready to show us another banger right after Lunar New Year. Subtraction is his philosophy for life. The name of Dokedo’s latest EP is what he wants you to repeat after him - #WFC, short for “who f***ing care”. Dokedo explains his own Tao with 5 delicate tracks.
    “Projection Effect”opens up with a talk to the image in the mirror. “Kiddie Ride” hums cheap melody of ugly cartoon rides outside the supermarket. With Cantonese-speaking female in your right ear and Hokkien-speaking male in your left ear, “Of Wu Xing”is a creative project putting these 2 ancient dialects in sync. An urban folklore “9 Dragon, 1 Phoenix”, blends together traditional Yangge and Footwork. “9pm to 5am”is about those nights, finishing DJ set at 5am, packing equipment, gnawing Jianbing outside the club.