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    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2018

    Sally Dige - CA

    Sally Dige is a new artist based in Vancouver, Canada. Her first track, “Immaculate Deception” was released on youtube at the end of September 2011, and received worldwide enthusiasm and recognition. Her inspiration for this project was to couple both the abstract with the linear; to take abstract sounds and atmospheric noise and draw them into a linear pop song.

    “Immaculate Deception” and “Doppelgänger” are the first tracks to be released to the public. Fabrika Records will be releasing the tracks on a limited run of 300, 7 inch, vinyl copies.
    Seductive shadow movements, harlot red lipstick, VHS vanity, sharp eye liner and a wardrobe to die for. Her vivacious performance and dark sexuality immediately summons a spirit similar to Annie Lennox of Eurythmics fame.

    But in her own unique way, she personifies the idea that a synth vixen knows no era.
    So really, it’s not so much a throwback. It’s an ode to the future.Statuesque Vancouverite Sally Dige is emblematic of a restless spirit flitting in and out of view, an apparition just out of reach.

    Address Hymen

    Address Hymen fait écho à la perte de l’innocence adolescente, c’est un clin d’œil aux générations d’adolescents post 90’, celles qui ont connu leurs premiers émois sur internet et les ont concrétisés sur un dancefloor.


    Olympic Café
    20 rue Léon
    75018 Paris
