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    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2019

    Wahou :)

    Museum of the Dry Bugs (Promo) by Eli Gras, released 01 May 2019

    1. Taxi
    2. Bicicleta Robada
    3. Automatic-Automat
    4. Flu
    5. Uuu

    This is a promo upload of 5 tracks announcing the tape release "Museum of the Dry Bugs", a compilation of 27 low-fi tracks recorded between 1983 and 1992 by sound maverick Eli Gras on cassette players and 4-track machine. It comes in two versions:

    1. Regular tape edition: 90 copies
    2. Special box edition with tape inside soap: 30 copies

    If you want to order either of it, go to:

    We will upload the complete release on bandcamp for digital download after the physical objects are gone.

    Some words about the artiste: Eli Gras has worked in several creative fields since the early 1980’s, from experimental to electropop, Greek music, minimalism, choral, funk and electroacoustics. As a trained luthier she builds her own instruments and creates visual/sound installations (“Peeled Piano”, “Saló Sonor”).

    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2023

    vraiment super