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Original Soundtrack from Seasons After Fall the atmospheric platformer by Swing Swing Submarine.
www.seasonsafterfall.comGame available on steam: store.steampowered.com/app/366320
released September 2, 2016Musicians:
Johan Veron (violin)
Laurent Pellegrino (violin)
Eva Sinclair (viola)
Jean-Philippe Morel (viola)
Noé Natorp (cello)
Clara Germont (cello)Studio Engineers:
Henri-Pierre Pellegrin
Adrien Maljournal
Arnaud Bascunana
Fabien GirardRecorded in may 2014 and june 2015 at:
Music Recorder G4F Ivry
Music Recorder Studio 180Music composed by Yann van der Cruyssen
morusque.bandcamp.comProduced by G4F Records
www.g4f-records.comCover art: Géraud Soulié
oui ben pour le moment il pleut toujours
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