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Recorded 1995 and released early 1996, an album that unintentionally launched a hundred "why didn't I think of that?" boats ( later to be over shadowed by a whole fleet of "I think I'll try that!" ships ) .
Whilst pondering the deeply puzzling 'first wave' of analog revivalists (cf: todays modular synth overload ) during the mid nineties and trying to work out why on earth, when digital music making technology was just about getting affordable and useable would every one and their aunt acid be paying through the nose for second hand tb-303 bassline machines and making the most linear/conservative music imaginable? It occured to SH&w that a suitable reaction was appropriate. Realizing that the oldest, cheapest and most conservative form of electronic music was the domestic home-organ and co-incidently that Mr Wand and Mr Old Hat had already each amassed a sizable collection of organ demonstration LPs in their individual quests to snag the most crackle for the least crinkle, they set to work in a valiant attempt to blur the thin line between Cut'nPaste and Good Old Fashioned Arrangement.. and making an entirely "analog" album by entirely ( and quite rudimentary ) 'digital' means.
Considered "deeply ironic" by those that have spent too long cleaning their Zeitgeist Binoculars and 'Pretty Damn Scary' by the public school pansies that infest the main stream music press, most failed to notice the tiny tear of empathy shed by SH&W, a tear spilled for those bass peddling stalwarts who pulled out all the drawbars trying to bring the public the tunes of today with all the background hum of yesterday.
Interesting to note that much later on in the year ( september ) Dj Shadow released his Endtroducing LP and a lot of hyperbole was spouted about it being the 'first' record made entirely of samples. Even we aren't stupid enough to make that "1st" claim without any hint of irony given electro-acoustic music's rich history and the variety of 'sampling' methods and technology abused in the last 103 years... but, y'know, I'm just putting the timeline out there for the train spotters amongst you :)
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