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Bamboo Shows 069 – OKO DJ
After leaving some space for our Vapordub shoots to bloom peacefully throughout March and April, our guestmix series is back with OKO DJ alias Marine Tordjemann. Living in Athens, coming from Paris, the hyperactive artist is part and/or has been at the initiative of many influent projects over the past years. To name a few of them only: Brothers From Different Mothers, LYL Radio, Bruits de La Passion… No more name dropping as OKO DJ definitely carved herself a deserved place in the current international musical landscape.
However, we’d like to highlight (even if not much needed) two very personal projects of her own: The Pu$$y Nightmare party and radio show, to promote women and spirituality in the cultural and music scene, but also the inspiring music she’s been composing since 2020 and especially her ‘Dans les Lunes’ EP on Futur 2010.Through this 76-minute recording, Marine offers an ad-lib flow of her mind-set back then: happiness, calmness, frustration, research, anxiety, doubt, love, and beauty. Thanks to her moving gathering of cherished, intimate gems, learn to free yourself both from past disillusions and overwhelming expectations.
Now, carry the precious seed with you. Feel its roots slowly spreading through your veins, to eventually reach your heart. Share the word, ask others: ‘How does your present moment feel like?’.
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