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*Acids (Chris Douglas)
*Cirrensio (from LP MIRVARIATES): Metasplice /crossfade
*On Edge: Thomas Brinkmann
*Despite Faith: Abul Mogard
*Smithsonian/ Folkways Trad. American: ANON
*Very Very Hungry: Brian Eno/ David Byrne
*Extreme Vocal Environments / Aquaculture: Si Begg vs. Jana Winderen
*Thanksgiving Blessing: William Burroughs
*20170804-05: Topdown Dialectic
*Sonder: Rafael Anton Irisarri
*Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams: Nico
*acid mwan idle (from NTS 3): Autechre
*Signes emergents/ Aquaculture/ Acids in the style.../ ASFMS......etc
: (mix of) Mario Mary/ Jana Winderen/ Mark Fell/ Reinhold Friedl/ Hecker
*Le Crane Tambour: Mika Vainio & Franck Vigroux
*CAR BOMB!: Negativeland
*Angel Food: Bruce Gilbert
*Pakmovast: TELEX
*Umwelten: Kassel Jaeger
*Musique Hydrophonique (segment insert): Tomoko Sauvage
*Umwelten (cont.): Kassel Jaeger
*Suzanne: Nina Simone
*JNSN CODE GL16: Autechre
*Movement, 1: Ryuichi Sakamoto, Illuha, Taylor Deupree
*By the Riverbank: Eno and Harmonia
*Ballet Statique: Conrad Schnitzler
*He's a Keeper of the Fire: Buffy Saint Marie
*18(keyosc): Autechre
*Timepiece: The Necks
*Prelude / Cello Suite No 6.: Bach
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