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Mental Tekno DJ-set Played at Femtek-party at 2021-09-18 by Shannon Soundquist, Dresden area, about 163 bpm.
Femtek is a group of flinta/women* from Leipzig, Dresden and Berlin (Germany) running a sound system under the same name. They are also active in the free party scene elsewhere.
Femtek organises parties where women* do lighting, sound engineering, dj-ing and live-producing. We want to create a party space where everyone feels comfortable, where skillsharing, networking and empowerment happen.
That's important for women* in the Free Tekno Scene because of the scene's culture of machismo and male dominance. In this world it seems that women* get respect only by developing toughness and acting “like a real guy”. At Femtek women* develop only their skills and do not act, they come as they are: individuals who love and make hard music. Non-machist cis men, who question the concepts of machismo and masculinity, are very welcome as audience.
Femtek looks forward to discussions and requests.
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