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Community of Grieving
par Zosia Hołubowska and Julia GiertzPartager / Intégrer Liste de souhaits
apprécié parC.J. Davis Concerning the prints: The top and both sides are heavily cropped. A shame. Cannot frame this now. The piece is ruined. Change description, please. Thank you.
Community of Grieving 05:29 / 23:50
Album digital
Écoute en continu + téléchargement
Comprend l’écoute en continu illimitée au moyen de l’appli gratuite de Bandcamp, ainsi que le téléchargement de haute qualité aux formats MP3, FLAC et plus.
Acheter l’album numérique €4 EUR ou plus
Donner en cadeauPrint of the Community of Grieving Artwork
Affiche / matériel imprimé + album numériqueLimited edition high-quality print of the "Community of Grieving" cover artwork - painting by Elena Biner.
50x60cm, 200gsm
Edition of 20Comprend l’écoute en continu illimitée de Community of Grieving au moyen de l’appli gratuite de Bandcamp, ainsi que le téléchargement de haute qualité aux formats MP3, FLAC et plus.
sera expédié d’ici 2 jours
édition de 20 exemplaires
Acheter l’affiche / le matériel imprimé €14 EUR ou plus
Donner en cadeau
Community of Grieving 23:50
à propos
Released on the spring equinox, "Community of Grieving" should be considered an EP, with several interconnected parts, yet at the same time the work flows so seamlessly that it has not been divided into tracks.
Originally commissioned for Unsound 2020 online as a shared collective listening piece, "Community of Grieving" is an audio ritual by Julia Giertz and Zosia Hołubowska that draws on traditions of vesper and lament and merges sonic meditation, narration and audio essay.
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