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Beach Sloth [http://beachsloth.tumblr.com] review: "Boron's ‘Vicinity’ takes field recordings and transforms them into a literal narrative. Everything within its two giant expansive slabs of sound indicates a cinematic quality. Pieces fit into each other creating a sense of continuity. For those pieces that could be considered actual music, full songs, they serve more as a way of setting a mood for the dialogue about to occur. Besides mere dialogue other aspects are explored from breathing to a ringing phone to jumping into water. Without any visual material to rely on the listener must trust that Boron knows exactly what to do. Fortunately Boron does.
‘Part 1’ begins in the most ridiculous manner possible down to the movie theater introduction. When the classical piece begins it is accompanied by field recordings giving it an exploratory sensibility. The sense of a busy city street is set. An anxious piano sets itself atop the sound of rushing water and a pulsing motor deep within the mix. Dialogue comes in and out on the first half. For ‘Part 2’ the dialogue asserts itself much more strongly. Industrial landscapes are much more prominent ‘Part 2’s mix. Sounds of the barnyard are almost humorous thanks to the prolonged period of time spent on them. Here the telephone serves an interesting purpose as it transmits... more
released November 1, 2013Edited and Arranged by Argon.
Field recordings by Dobroide.Additional field recordings by:
benboncan / juskiddink / UAIR01 / Csengeri / Clippingdetected / crz1990 / rowy101 / carroll27 / rutgermuller / guitarguy1985 / melack / RHumphries / euroblues / digifishmusic / Argon / acclivity / daveincamas / sagetyrtle / kathol / claudiotinseltower / vollkornbrot / stefan1 / schulze / linse / nooitgenoeg / jaava73 / timofei / rockdoctor / nissse / andrew1280 / toiletrolltube / ldezem / owlstorm / korvdonf / TwistedlemonMusic:
"Jaamatihaaken" by Argon
"Hamburger Touchdown" and "Evening Bog" performed by Argon (original songs by Boron)Mastered by Brad Rose.
Produced by The Bewlay Brothers.Thanks to Dobroide and MaryClare Brzytwa.
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