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Name: Sydney-Léonie Hélène Pritchard
Alias: Sydney Salt (@concurrently)
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Chicago via TennesseeInfluences: SOPHIE, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Nurse With Wound, Inga Copeland, Madlib, Oneohtrix Point Never, New Order, that SoundClown scene from like seven years ago, Neil Cicierega, J Dilla, Justice, Chelsea Wolfe, Mr. Oizo, Dean Blunt, Death Grips, Daft Punk, Acid Daddy, DANA, Farplane, my friends and chosen family
Affiliations/Residencies/Projects: Stereochemical Records, The Cortex Club, discountcandy, Wehrhaus Little Village
Favorite Quote: “Once you go back, you can’t go to the future” - Cal Chuchesta
Advice for the DJs, artists and producers of our community: Don’t restrict yourself too much. Adhering to a specific idea or sound can be great, but at a certain point it can become a hindrance to your creativity.
Open your purse: @ sssssssssss [Venmo] or $sydneyleonie [Cashapp]
With this mix please learn more about and consider donating to:
-Brave Space Alliance (www.bravespacealliance.org/)
-G.L.I.T.S. Gays and Lesbians Living In a Transgender Society (www.glitsinc.org/)
Harmen’s (aka Him Hun, a past Daisychainer!) Transition Fund (www.gofundme.com/f/harmens-transition-fund)Tracklist - bit.ly/SydneySaltTrax
Oneohtrix Point Never - Toys 2
Helena Hauff - Tryst
808Melo - Mannequin (Instrumental) (rip woo)
Giggs - 187
The Sisters of Mercy - Colours
Mr. Oizo - One Minite Shakin’
Aphex Twin - Ageispolis
HILDE featuring Hiro - Reposition
Marshall Applewhite - Destroy The Silence
Marina Aleksandra - Equality Error
Raymond A. Barre - How to answer the question “Why should I hire you?”
Matmos - Ultimate Care II
Nurse With Wound - Cold
James Ferraro - Earth Jump
Whitehouse - Munkisi Munkondi
The Tapes - Berlin ‘89
Chelsea Wolfe - House Of Metal
1800HaightStreet - Premonition
Yaeji - Raingurl (Aquarian’s Umami Warehouse Mix)
Community Corporation - Salt
Sydney Salt - SEX TALK WITH A NEW KID ON THE BLOCK (electro-turtleneck bootleg)
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