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.... 'wounerfunk?' had been sitting waiting quietly in its little
folder on a lost hard-drive at the far back of an old , ancient
cupboard in a locked attic , which no one ever visited , except
the lonely moths and lost owls who haunted the derelict roof
space of a forgotten cottage long abandoned in the mist
shrouded hills ......
........ Until one day , on a bright birdsong filled Wednesday ,
and guided by a shimmering shaft of sunlight piercing its
way through a cloud hovering above the cottage , a young
lad cycling by , and out on an errand for his sick mother , involving
some eggs and a jar of cough syrup , by pure chance decided
to stop for a while , drink his blackcurrant juice , eat a scrambled egg
sandwich , and then , as lads do , decided to climb the crumbling
rose trellis to see what he might find .... and the rest is history , it
was in the local paper ...... in the dark shadow of the roof , at the
back of the ancient cupboard his hand reached in and found the
long hidden batfinks hard-drive !!....... well , there y'go , the little lad's Dad was , by good luck ,
a brilliant sound engineer , he saved the folders and files for
posterity , and so , here is the most interesting 'wounerfunk' album ,
an original batfinks production finally piercing the frozen air ,
and possibly making you feel a bit dizzy , vertigo ,
.... bin there , nuff said ................
released December 31, 2022... all tracks , lyrics , vocals , instruments
... & production by steven paul wareing ......
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