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Avon Terror Corps
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J’ai remplacé l’amour par l’argent’ is a cathartic concentration of emotions - capturing a moment in time and overcoming it to form a new raison d’être.
Over six tracks, she channels hostile love songs coupled with an industrial soundtrack to a turbulent decoupling… insubordinate aversions backed by gargoyles’ choirs drenched in delicate, metallic ether. The rage is radiant, the sadness is scandalous.
In the words of Cruelle herself:
“This project, composed in July 2022, was created to capture
a moment in time where I used autonomy as revenge.I'm not trying to offer anyone advice.
I only hope to inspire people to
make uncompromising choices
they identify with, after a break-up where sacrifices you made were not considered as love.On my side, I would like to
thank my ex, because during
this two-year relationship, I
was unable to write anything
consistent about love.Make money and set high
standards for yourself and all will
turn out fine.”
releases February 14, 2023Written and Produced By Cruelle
Lick The Bag Written by Max Kelan
Lick The Bag Vocals by Max Kelan
Mastered by Benjamin Tregaskes at RawAudioUK
Artwork by Cruelle
Additional Artwork by ATCReleased on Avon Terror Corps
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