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    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2024

    Field studies on a retired church organ deep in the Croatian mountains.

    Berlin-based multi-instrumentalist Andy Aquarius is best known for his mystical harp music under that name. His work as Ozbolt documents travel to significant places, capturing a distinct feel of time and space.
    These precise, melodic, meditative organ pieces seem informed by minimalism and electronic music and are likely to appeal to fans of Popol Vuh and Áine O'Dwyer.

    "Seven days of a silent forest besieging the Inner Sanctum and screaming at it with an invisible force - a forest held at bay by the triumphant sound of a motorized pipe organ and fended off by nightly bonfires going out as a passive warning to those wooden entities stalking the premises.
    Seven days of (almost) no human contact and a shut mouth is all it takes to let this thick cloud of pastoral weirdness creep over, penetrate the heart and seep through the fragile membranes of the mind.

    "The following tunes were sleeping within the dusty crevices of this majestic instrument and they were excited to wake like dormant spirits from a holy slumber.

    "The Organs Of Matter Wheel is an idiosyncratic collection of obscure compositions and a nuanced documentation of a montane organ - nothing more & nothing less. It was mixed to ears, matching my playing position".
    released November 14, 2024

    Written and recorded in a retired Church of The Holy Cross deep in the Croatian mountains.
    I wholeheartedly thank the Mance sept for providing the key to the door.
    Andy Ozbolt, June 2023
