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Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2024

    'O.O.Orifice' is the fourth album by Vienna-based Iranian sound artist and composer Rojin Sharafi. This work explores the space of "in-between" — the distance of "before" and "after" as it pertains to a life-altering event - the moment that creates a cut. This cut, this fracture, this wound is something that reopens now and then. It calls to you, asking to be heard, smelled, and felt.

    When your ear was pierced,
    When your chest was pierced,
    When your heart was pierced,
    When your throat was pierced,
    When your head was pierced,
    When your hand was pierced,
    When your nose was pierced—

    The cut creates a new space. An in-between space that disrupts the unity of order. A space with an origin all to its own—not inside, not outside; neither full nor empty. It is nameless until you discover it and give it a name. It creates coordinates that challenge your perception, and this is what this work strives to do.

    'O.O.Orifice' follows a common thread, allowing for different stories to be told with a focus on the cut. Analog synthesizers, microtonal acoustic and digital instruments, scattering rhythms and poetry converge to form a narrative about love and attraction, psychoanalysis, internalized shame, language and its complexities, loss of home, and rejection.

    Each track has characters that shape its subplot through color and texture, with events and atmospheres that either complete the story or alter its initial direction. And what ties all these stories together is orifice—the space in between, the gateway, an opening that is both pain and, simultaneously, a channel flowing into depth—the part beyond the pain.

    Each cut left a mark on your body, on my body, and screams not to be forgotten.
    released November 15, 2024

    written, recorded, produced by Rojin Sharafi
    additional mixing by Patrick Pulsinger
    sonic optimization by GENG PTP

    cover art by Hessam Samavatian
    addl art & design by Winona Hudec

    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2024

    "I made this mix some days after finishing working at a toxic workspace - a dance production- as a musician. This mix made the healing process easier and more pleasant for me. I needed to dig into sounds, rhythms and textures that kept inspiring me in the last months. It’s fulfilling to be able to share these gems."

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