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    NEWS :

    Bonjour à tous,

    Pas mal de news en cette fin d'automne : des sorties, des prévisions...
    Tout d'abord la dernière sortie :

    en collaboration avec différents labels de différents pays :

    NEH-OWH records (Denmark)
    STEAK AU ZOO (France)
    HEIA SUN (France)
    JOZIK records (Finland)

    Nice experimental/Minimalistic/Post punk/electronic sounds from two artists from two continents.

    LAFIDKI (France/Cambodia)

    ” D’ordinaire les compositeurs de musique de film attendent les images pour écrire la bande son qui va avec. Lafidki a grillé une étape et c’est tant mieux pour nous. Parfaite BO pour docu contemplatif et un peu foutraque, plus Abyss que Monde du silence, plus Starship Troopers que Microcosomos, on ne se lasse pas de réinventer les créatures inconnues et translucides qui pourraient illustrer les compositions de ce Chewbacca aux doigts de fée. Derrière son masque velu, Lafidki construit des pistes jouissives pleines de mystères et d’artifice, un peu comme si on apprenait que son costume n’en était pas un et que la plupart de ses sons se fabriquait au fond de sa gorge. En manque de sensations ? Rendez-vous au Nyctalope.

    ORPHAN I OLIVER (Canada)

    ORPHAN: A daughter of Nova Scotia:: full of deep, resonating, sounds that envelope you and draw
    you close to her isolated heartbreak.
    OLIVER: A long lost son:: walking miles in one pair of worn boots, louder, angrier, broken and fixed
    chords woven together in a cave of echos.
    Barely hidden, barely veiled.

    Sabarah sings and writes marvellously about
    those little moments, those feelings that go through us and sometimes change us…
    Lonelyness and isolation…
    So it was hard to leave this cocoon and get back to noise, crowd, community…
    From its chrysalys, the changing butterfly offered ephemeral and essential.

    Ecoute et commande ici :

    Ensuite les prochaines sorties STEAK AU ZOO Records dans les prochains mois :

    STKZ016 NU I DEPTH (Brooklyn/Usa) Slave 2 the Rave tapes (dec 2011)

    “Forget what you know about Pocahaunted, Ariel Pink, Robedoor, Lamborghini Crystal… Although Dylan would fit perfectly on a tour with any of those artists, his loosely-improvised, trippy, slightly noisy, oddly melodic compositions are just as fun as they are hallucinatory. In the 70’s, he would have completely blown away any guitarist with a phaser pedal and made them quit music altogether.” -via Rainbow Bridge


    STKZ015 MERMAIDS (Istanbul/Turkey) EP tapes (early 2012)
    Member of İzmir loudsters In Between, Murat has been mesmerizing and gathering followers for sometime now, he's in the music collective F91W in Istanbul. Now it’s time to see him live with his recently started live performances. Loops, fish diving into deepness, exploding colors, some kind of pop, some kind of chaos, nameless realms and swirls; that’s where you are.

    STKZ017 MPALA GAROO/GOLDEN DWARVES (Russia/Usa) Great Turquoise Mess Age split tapes (jan 2012)

    Ship I left by like wondering deities who ate those august landscapes glimpse saliva blossom jungle wounds me to not mayanic membership paranoidal tune statue moves like a three thousand foliage mantra overbay beach crawls on your tongue to reach assembled peak arjuna lagoon with foggy shjrines and miscellaneous mines of dub asparagus do entire magnetic lips whisper aloof you painter shake your imbecile rococo coconuts just push Rimbaud chocolate air to European nomads of best who killed their.

    STKZ018 CLATHRUS (Moscow/Russia) Balaklava Boating EP (2012) collaboration with AestasTantra

    STKZ019 PEARS (Brooklyn/Usa) EP (2012) collaboration with Aestas Tantra