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    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2012

    when we started this we never thought that we will find so many AWESOME bands!
    and now?
    first compilation 2:30 hours and 53 bands (over 4000 downloads before megaupl-
    oad got killed... so we lost count after that...)
    second compilation: more than 3 hours of super cool and new grrrl music. and
    71 bands!!!

    the best thing is the mixture! punk, electro, rock, hip hop, singer/songwriter... what-
    ever... and we hope to have even more variety in the upcoming releases. it is very
    important to us to make clear, that riot grrrl berlin is not (just) about 90s punk bands,
    but bonding up to make the grrrl/lady/trans*movement stronger and especially
    MAKE US ALL VISIBLE! by giving out a package with many different bands, people
    will see how MANY of us actually are out there (hey, we are surprised ourselves),
    bands that are not widely presented and music lovers might never heard of them
    before. so, by mixing some known bands with totally unknown/new ones we help
    each other to get heard. you never know what the next song brings!
    together we are WOOHOO!