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TV Incongrue

Zap! | Plein écran



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  1.  permalink

    Download la The Brain 79, le jeune

    00' 00'' - DRAGIBUS - Remettez la gomme - P-Vine Records - 2003
    00' 57'' - SENOR COCONUT - Smoke on the water - Multicolor - 2003
    04' 14'' - NORMAN BAMBI - West of space - Ponpoko - 2007
    07' 19'' - SESAME STREET - 1, 2, 3 - ? - 70's
    09' 38'' - HONEYBUS - Can't let Maggie go - Deram - 1968
    12' 30'' - SUTTERLIN - Achtung - Plastic Frog Records - 2006
    15' 27'' - CHICKS ON SPEED - Love Life - COS Records - 2003
    19' 39'' - kENNY HOLLYWOOD - Magic Star- Decca - 1962
    21' 54'' - NOVA HUTA - Taïshou - Lieblingslied Records - 2007
    24' 32" - NORMA TRACY & THE CINDERELLA KIDS - Skateboard Song Romulan - 2000
    26' 58'' - SONIDO LASSER DRAKAR - The Center of the earth - Noiselab - 2007
    30' 58'' - DRAGIBUS - Remettez la gomme - P-Vine Records - 2003
    31' 16'' - TITMACHINE - Left - Meeuw - 2008
    33' 56'' - HARRY MERRY - Sharky Super Machine - Tocado Records - 2006
    39' 01'' - GLOWSTYX - Aethema Remix - Cock Rock Disco - 2007
    42' 19'' - SUPERDOME 80 - Auto gegen Pfütze - Kernkrach - 2007
    44' 59'' - ROCKSTAR WANNABE - Od ride - Unreleased - 2007
    47' 34'' - FELIX KUBIN - Slides From Yesterday - Oral - 2007
    51' 52'' - LEM - Notre héros - Olé - 2007
    54' 51'' - HEIDI MORTENSON - Tiger - Wired Records - 2006
    58' 40'' - THE GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE SHOW - Super Chicken - ? - 60's
    59' 26'' - FREDERIK SCHIKOWSKI - Indicatif The Brain 1.3 - Unreleased - 2004

    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2008

    :pin02: Waou ça promet ^^

    • CommentAuthorJohan
    • CommentTimeMar 3rd 2008

    Yes je charge d'ici peu :)

  2.  permalink


    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2008

    Hey j'avais fait gaffe au sample du debut :D