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  1.  permalink

    Rarities! Rarities! So good! Bravo a G&M :pin-bravo.gif:

    A selection of rarities from the audio collection of the Quai Branly museum chopped and edited by Gangpol & Mit.

    Les Siestes Electroniques and the famous Musée du quai Branly in Paris join to propose an original carbon copy of the Toulousian festival. Born of a reflection around the themes of the cultural diversity, the project proposes to musicians an exceptional access to the audio collection of the museum dedicated to non-occidental cultures. These musicians are invited to sample a set of resources of an unsuspected wealth, and then to replay it during an ultimate public event which is free and open-air. Those concerts are held every Sunday of July.

    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2014 edited

    Le même jour, juste avant, le mix de DJ Arc de triomphe encore mieux à mon avis.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2014

    Il est très bon en effet :)

    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014

    C'est super super bien bien merci.