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    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2015

    Projet intéressant sorti de Tracks :

    "moDernisT" was created by salvaging the sounds and images lost to compression via the MP3 and MP4 codecs.
    The audio is comprised of lost mp3 compression material from the song "Tom's Diner" famously used as
    one of the main controls in the listening tests to develop the MP3 encoding algorithm.
    Here we find the form of the song intact, but the details are just remnants of the original.
    The video is the MP4 ghost of a corresponding video created in collaboration with Takahiro Suzuki.
    Thus, both audio and video are the "ghosts" of their respective compression codecs.

    De quoi mettre fin aux vieilles rancunes et aux débats contre le mp3.