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    • CommentAuthordetail78
    • CommentTimeNov 5th 2015


    Born in Zaire (Congo, DR), C­drík aka Kirdec has been involved since the late 1980's in the electronic and experimental music network, including works for video, theatre and choreography, essays and lectures.
    He has collaborated with various projects such as Axiome, Ambre or Tasjiil Moujahed to name a few and performed or recorded with dozens of artists among them Mick Harris (Napalm Death, Scorn), Mark Spybey (Dead Voices On Air, Download), Cindytalk, Yan Jun (etc.), publish music on renowned labels like Ad Noiseam, Hymen or Ant­Zen, he is the owner of Syrphe, a label and platform mostly dedicated to electronic and experimental music from Asia and Africa.
    He developped projects, performed live and give lectures in more than 50 countries in Europe, far east and south Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and North America.­drik.html

    ADAM H.

    Adam H. est un singer-songwriter originaire de Louisville, KY. Il a vécu en Chine, à Londres et à New York avant de s’installer à Paris. Son premier album, Glacier, est disponible sur MK Label ; Son nouvel album, Abolition, produit par Jean-Charles Versari, est à paraître prochainement, et à découvrir absolument sur scène. On pense à Big Black qui rencontrerait John Fahey, Neil Young qui chanterait avec My Bloody Valentine.
    Greil Marcus, auditeur du premier concert, en dit "passionate and droney".

    PAF 5euros

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