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    • CommentAuthordetail78
    • CommentTimeNov 5th 2015


    Ricky est chanteur, compositeur et producteur. Philippe Katerine dit de ses chansons qu’elles sont « d’une élégance inouïe et sans aucune prétention qui vous donnent une émotion au premier degré ». Bricoleur pop et perfectionniste, il conçoit une musique néosincère, qui dépasserait l’opposition entre délires avantgardistes et lyrisme synthétique. Il transforme ses rêves de dandy ou de voyageur temporel en compositions-labyrinthe, faisant de chaque morceau une invitation à pénétrer dans un monde parallèle. Après un 1er EP (Renaturation) remarqué, paru fin 2013 sur le label indépendant Dokidoki, il publie « Mes meilleurs succès d’estime », une collection de ritournelles lofi composées entre 2002 et 2010 pour Gonzai/Clapping music. Il prépare un nouvel album à paraitre au printemps 2016.éveloppement-Personnel-175205342533873/


    Così e Così, a solo/collaborative, recording/performative, multi-disciplinary/musical project of the elusive Vincent Ferrari. Circa Fall 2013 and currently based in Montreal, they released 4 albums in 2014 making up the #SelfExit2014 series. Così e Così is also co-founder of Montreal-based entity No Exist.
    Identity and/or lack thereof, an exploration of feminine beauty from within deep rooted persuasive masculinity; the dichotomy between fragility & bravado. Steps through the patterns of being in a universe of impermanence.
    Drawing from sound experiments in hazy and distorted noise, Così e Così structures songs together with hypnotic hip-hop beats and hyper-emotive rhymes and wails, creating complicated pop songs with a Rnb drone fetish. Ferrari's live performance demands an intensity rivalled by few today.
    Situated in an anonymous world filled by the spirits of Tarkovsky, Kierkegaard, Ohno, Still, Dostoyevsky, and Kallowitz to distinguish itself as such; ghosts of individuals.


    Nothinge is the solo project of Max Posthoorn, who is currently based in Montreal and is originally from Melbourne, Australia. Previously he worked with noise rock/experimental four piece called ‘Sandcastle’. Nothinge is experimental lo-fidelity pop music.

    PAF 7euros