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    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2010

    01 Toy Plane In Ice
    02 Yes Baby Yes
    03 Thrumpy
    04 Reject Fly Bot
    05 Piani Tarta
    06 They Stole Her Mother
    07 Gidget Controller 75


    02SK&UR Tidy Kid - Toxic Feelings
    Perhaps somewhat swerving his ambitions from the union of accessible pop and playful electronics found in previous albums, Tidy Kid goes here into stranger, more inventive territory… new and unfamiliar pop tones to codify and arrange into a startling circuitry of music. But if he does indeed swerve, he does so in a smooth and organic motion, for melody is still either paramount or near the top, and the magician is still very much interested in making the natural and the artificial speak in the same synthetic language. So yeah, it’s still an instantly recognizable Tidy Kid, only a Tidy Kid boldly edging towards alien thrills and virgin continents, way out there where machines are taught how to articulate the fluid shapes and oscillations of dreams. Indeed, in dreams they have seen the future, and the future, they sing, is sound. Come here and catch it before it wakes up. (Eduardo Padilla)

    TIDY KID :

    UMOR REX :

  1.  permalink

    Ch'est tres chouli ! merci

    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2010

    Ouich moi ch'aime bien les choulis choches bicharres. Atchou

    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2010

    Hé ouais, j'avais pas dit, mais je l'ai écouté un matin et c'est chouli comme musique de matin!

    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2010

    Une petite vidéo d'une étrange performance du mystérieux Tidy Kid et d'un certain Tengu :