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    • CommentAuthorThiaz Itch
    • CommentTimeJul 5th 2007 edited

    Et voici déjà la seconde sortie gratuite de PROOT Records:

    GOTO80 - 6

    (8-bit, reggae, pop, happy noise, acid, electro, et + ...)

    télécharger l'album .zip

    "6 has 6 songs full of 8-bit broken reggae, pop, happy noise, acid and electro from the Swedish chipmunk Goto80. Most of the songs are made completely with either Commodore 64 or Amiga, but his remix of Signal Electrique has effects added to the wobbly evil bass sounds of the C64. Fasten your heatbelts!
    (Cbm85 and Invader Tune are C64-songs, Boys Say Only You is Amiga/C64 - they might have popped up before on cassettes and demos?)" pour plus de musique gratuite
    et de nouvelles productions à venir...

  1.  permalink
      CommentAuthorEat Rabbit
    • CommentTimeJul 5th 2007

    Oua on est trop rapide :)

  2.  permalink

    oula oui! désolé!