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    • CommentTimeAug 8th 2013

    Super bien :


    01. RENE HELL "The Bridge" (OPN / Rene Hell split) - NNA Tapes
    02. VESSEL " Zero" (Standard) - Left_Blank
    03. DVVLLXNS "Xochitl" (Lxtvny) - Shelter Press
    04. RICARDO DONOSO "The Bow and The Lyre" (Assimilating the Shadow) - Digitalis
    05. THE HAXAN CLOAK "The Mirror Reflecting (Part 2)" (Unreleased) - TriAngle
    06. PULSE EMITTER + PETE SWANSON "Untitled 1" (Untitled) - Collective Jerk
    07. RAIME "Soil And Colts" (Quarter Turns Over A Living Line) - Blackest Ever Black
    08. BEE MASK "Vaporware (excerpt)" (Vaporware/Scanops) - ROOM40
    09. STELLAR OM SOURCE "Energy" (Clarity) - Big Love
    10. BEN VIDA "Patchwerk composite - edit" (Ben Vida /Andy Ortmann split) - Nihilst
    11. PERSONABLE "Series of energies" (forthcoming) - Peak Oil
    12. VATICAN SHADOW "Church Of All Images - Regis Version" (Iraqi Praetorian Guard) - Blackest Ever Black

    artwork by Félicia Atkinson