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    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2018

    Thursday 15 March @ 20h
    Bar Oued Rhiou, 54 Rue D'aubervilliers, 75019
    Elsa Quintin (France)
    french artist and researcher. Her work deals with drawing, electronic music, improvisation, instant composition, music process recording and sampling. She performs live under the moniker Knappy Kaisernappy and develops a sonic hybridation of contemporary music, proto techno, extratone and ambient. She uses analog semi modular synth, sampler, and various random sound library. Her performances explores the aestehetic of reverb through hyperthem figures. She produces and releases music under Creative Commons licence, and currently writes a theoritical essay about The figure and the Fond (Academic researches).
    Ivan Samokrutkin (Odessa)
    Ukrainian visual artist, linguist and musician. His approach of music is rooted in the experience of foreign languages practices, and deals with the process of aculturation and ambiguity of identity concept. He produces and performs live as Systemnapotvora+1, with DIY primitive metal instrument, stones and micro objects, and combine them with voices samples, different layers of noise, and distorted field recordings. He also uses a drum machine in a manual way, in order to break the expected loop. His performance deals with the technology as human utopia, and the desire of disrupted repetition.
    Disposition Matrix (Paris)
    Paul Bonnet (CIA Debutante) solo project
