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    • CommentAuthorJohan
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2009 edited

    BODENSTANDIG 2000 fought a brave fight against dark forces like Apple or Jamba/Jamster for so many years, but now they got stuck in the endless subterranean labyrinth of Fort Apocalypse!
    Help is needed!

    Download this old school remake of one of our veeery early Commodore Sixtyfour memories
    starring Drax and Bern as da hard rocking scientists, soundtrack included. Don't be a crybaby and rescue them! All you need is lots of endurance and a Windows- or Debian/Ubuntu-driven PC.

    Check this:
    Raid On Fort Apocalypse Survival Guide - "For all you crybabies who say it's too hard"
    1. Flying too fast is suicide. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
    2. Explosions hurt! Being too close to things that are blowing up will damage your Chopper.
    3. Landing on any platform will repair your Chopper (and update the respawn point).
    4. Enemy Choppers cannot shoot upwards. Tanks cannot shoot downwards. You can shoot in 360 degrees. Use this to your advantage.

    We count on you!