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TV Incongrue

Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2020 edited

    Curated and produced by Florian Hecker

    Florian Hecker suggests an amalgamation of two seminal collections of psychoacoustic works, which demand from its audience a selective piecing-together of distinct...

    The point of departure for this podcast comprises two publications from the mid nineties: 'Musical Illusions and Paradoxes' by Diana Deutsch and 'Demonstrations of Auditory Scene Analysis: The Perceptual Organization of Sound' by Albert S. Bregman and Pierre A. Ahad. These CDs feature demonstrations of the research in psychoacoustics (Bregman) and musical psychology (Deutsch) by their respective authors. Both volumes are introduced with a spoken commentary by the authors themselves and accompanied by extensive booklets that further describe what is heard as well as instructions and suggestions on parameters such as playback volume, loudspeaker position, distance from the same, and whether headphones are required or not. Here the recorded and textual components form a prescriptive double, a package where the listener verifies the CDs objectives though a subjective audible encounter.
