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The amazing mix by Darkmatter Soundsystem DJs Diskore, Fiend and Baseck for the 20th anniversary of Praxis in 2012, consisting only of Praxis tracks!
A free download (with the option of donating something towards the next 20 years) is available at our bandcamp.
praxisrecords.bandcamp.com/album/20-ye…s-praxis-20Track Listing:
DISKORE_ 00:00 to 23:59praxis 48 - Cortex - Usu
praxis dub - DJ Scud with CF - Prolos Will Rise Again
praxis 47 - Crisis Theory - Working Vengeance
praxis 10 - The Mover - Track 2
praxis 2 - Bourbonese Qualk - Take Control
praxis 28 - The Wirebug - How to Speak Junkyard Slang in two Easy Steps
praxis 1 - Scaremonger - Soon We All Will Have Special Names
praxis 13 - Lorenz Attractor - Complexity Crisis
praxis 1X - Scaremonger - Soon We All Will Have Special Names (DJ Nodoz Remix)
praxis 6 - Noface - Love or Kill
praxis 19 - Bambule meets Cunning - Lockstep Part 1
praxis 23 - Somatic Responses - Incubation
praxis 16 - Cyberchrist - Information Revolution Part 2
praxis 15 - Noface - (You don't have to do anythingn now but) Hallucinate
praxis 23 - Richie Anderson & Brandon Spivey - Aftermath
praxis 9 - DJ Jackal - Drumtrax Part 4
praxis 8 - Metatron - The Moment of Seduction
praxis 18 - Somatic Responses - Warp Spasm
praxis 5 - Bourbonese Qualk - Logic Bomb
praxis 41 - ADCSomatic - Sincromath
praxis 25 - Potere Occulto - Liancaiach Fawr
FIEND_ 24:00 to 57:07praxis 3 - Bourbonese Qualk - Qual
praxis 9 - DJ Jackal - Drumtrax Part 1 - (Special Edited cut)
praxis 4 - Metatron - The Art of Disappearance - (Special Edited cut)
praxis 21 - Slaughter Politics - Forest Fire
praxis 8 - Metatron - The Moment of Seduction - (Special Edited cut)
praxis 22 - Test Tube Kid - Promars
praxis 11 - Heist - Corridors
praxis 18 - Somatic Responses - Spacegrinder
praxis 34 - Kovert - Response Activator
praxis 37 - Crisis Theory - Vertigo - (Special Edited cut)
praxis 14 - Deadly Buda - Rhythm of Death - (Special Edited cut)
praxis 15 - Kovert - track 8
praxis 12 - DJ Yubba - Burgermeister
praxis 17 - Disciples Of Belial - Torment Of The Bastard Nazarene
praxis 36 - Low Entropy - Mental Cleansing
praxis 50 - Electric Kettle - Down Evil
BASECK_ 57:08 to end.praxis 33 - Nomex - Nett of Sound / Fire is the Centre
praxis 26 - Pure - King Kong Pt 2
praxis 34 - Kovert - V-Effect
praxis 24 - Society of Unknowns - Vector
praxis 35 - Hecate - Famished
praxis 16 - Cyberchrist - Information : Revolution Part 3
praxis 30 - Eiterherd - Taktik
praxis 31 - 16-17 - Pyrexia
praxis 27 - Base Force One - Welcome to Violence
praxis 18 - Somatic Responses - Warp Spasm
praxis 32 - Hecate - Last is First
praxis 41 - ADCSomatic - Sincromath
praxis 29 - Bambule - Tripped Wire (Photon Emissions remix)
praxis 39 - Base Force One - Paracong
praxis 23 - Aphasic - Aphasia
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