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The reason you might not have already heard of this artist is probably why you’ll want to listen to his music: behind this moniker is Thomas W. Jager, a 22 years old producer from Toulouse, France.
In this compelling debut release, NETSH takes the listener on a one-way trip to his world with his own unique take on acid, braindance, electro, jungle and even a dash of hardcore.
Frenzied breakbeats, thick and melodic 303 sequences, ass-shaking drum programming along with deep and lush pads are the constant on this record, coherent and diverse a the same time, which tells a lot about the young producer’s musical maturity.It's one of those records where it's almost impossible to listen to just one track, it's more likely you'll find yourself listening to the whole thing.
In case you had any doubts, this record proves that rave music will never die as long as there are young producers like NETSH who approach it with fresh ears and a forward-thinking attitude. Look out for this producer, something tells us you’ll be hearing more from him in the future.
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