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“I see we’re letting thugs into the concert hall…”
Eleven tracks about the reconstruction of club music, Nag Nag Nag, masculinity, Finland and Vatican Shadow memes.
released March 12, 2020Composed and performed by Dale Cornish. Mastered by Phil Julian who can be found at philjulian.com.
With thanks to Harry Agius, Andie Brown, Richard Chartier, Drew Daniel, Lætitia Deering, Beatrice Dillon, Karl D’Silva, Giant Swan, Katie Gibbons, Pär Grindvik, Allon Kaye, David Keen, Alex Linsdell, Peder Mannerfelt, Philip Marshall, Kate McGregor, Parker, Rock, Mark Rutherford, Jonny Slut, Jonnine Standish, Stephen Wrench.
Thanks also to the unknown voices on B2.
‘Somewhere Better’ is for Jens.
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