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live electronic muzik :
> Purpureal daystar <
post-industrial dance music (US/CH)
> sZARSz <
ritual electronics (US/SRB)
> Ame de boue <
chamber synth pop / noir wave (FR)
> Netwerk Null <
acid techno industrielle (FR)
Purpureal daystar : permanently evolving project that focuses on interweaving the subtleties of pulsing bass, cosmic-sounding melodies, & polyrhythmic beats. Launching her solo project in 2017, queer femme musician Elizabeth Chamberlain has since been put out on Cutspoons Rec, Katabatik, and Sol VII Sounds.
sZARSz : left-field nomadic electronic duo founded in Olympia in 2016 and currently based in Lausanne. Complex beats and dark ambient soundscapes, sZARSz is a unique crossroad between dance and doom. Their recent releases include a split with Umbra on Crash symbols and the winter solstice full lenght « Indecipherable Glyph » on Rumour rest.
Ame de boue : an expansive palette of musical styles, combined to form an exotic gestation ripe with darkness. A sound journey akin to a walk in the existential garden of being. Human voice versed in various tongues with organic and electronic accompaniment. A strange neighbor to the worlds of Pop and Wave.
Netwerk Null : new live project by the man behind Cellule 34. Distorted acid from the industrial area.
portes: 20h30
premier live: 21h
participation: 7 euros
via https://www.facebook.com/events/930142738161183/?ref=newsfeed
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