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Gábor Kovács is a Budapest/Brussels based musician and visual artist, also an alumni artist of the Shape platform. Active in a number of projects, he works with a wide range of genres and sounds, although his main output is Új Bála. Új Bála merges noise, psychedelia and fringes of techno and summons the rhythmic skeletons of dance music to bring order to his backdrop of mangled synth noises. In the past couple of years Új Bála released on labels such as Plaque, Baba Vanga, Altered States Tapes, Czaszka Rec.,Lost Dogs Entertainment or Tanzprocesz, performed at festivals like Schiev(Bruxelles), Les Siestes Électroniques(Toulouse), Novas Frequencias(Rio de Janeiro), Rokolectiv(Bucharest), Tauron Nowa Muzyka (Katowice), Pohoda(Trencin), Next Festival(Bratislava), Uh Fest(Budapest) and played in clubs and DIY spaces all across Europe with his live act.
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