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A long player of new music from DMX Krew is always a welcome sight and sound, and Hypercolour continue to strengthen their association with the seasoned British producer, with his third album for the label, ‘Glad To Be Sad’.
A consistent player in the field of electronic music, DMX Krew has been releasing more goodies on labels like Super Rhythm Trax, Libertine, and his very own Breakin’ Records since 2017’s last Hypercolour album, ‘Strange Directions’.
Those familiar with the catalogue of DMX Krew (all 22 albums and countless singles and remixes) can expect the usual collection of first class electronic funk and modular melodies, but for the uninitiated, ‘Glad To Be Sad’ covers a wide and colourful palette of rhythm and sound, abundant on the bass and with a heavy dose of futurism in its waves of glorious synth-work and deadly drum machine rhythms.
released March 1, 2019
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