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Digital/cassette edition via SubCastCo (UK)
Tape orders:
merch.is/product/somnoroase-pasarele-agonal-mc/«Spine-tingling stuff for all cassette collectors out there.»
www.nitestylez.de/2023/02/somnoroase-pasarele-afonal-submarine.html“The album was recorded pre-2020 on a pretty worn out mac laptop; Gili has sat on it for a few years for editing/mastering, then I (Miru) sat on it as well. From the initial 105 minutes of recordings, we now have 35 min. The tracks are meant to be increasingly 'agonal'; one can feel that in the sound perhaps, and it's also reflected in the titles.
The 'artworks' (used as the album cover and track tiles) were/are placed near a children's summer camp in Năvodari, Romania. Gili has been familiar with these since childhood, given that he grew up in the Black Sea area. I cannot tell you exactly why, but the entire album has a very personal feel for Gili, so that 'blast from the past' is not out of place here.
One cannot help but notice that as the state of our world progressively gets more insane and corrupted, folks are beginning to... more
released September 30, 2022Recorded / mastered by Gili Mocanu in Bucharest
Assembled / produced by MMercury
Design by Grotezk studio based on GM's photography
all rights reserved
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