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Charlotte Simon from les trucs and MMODEMM moved to a farm and started an association:
der Rheinhessische Elektronische Musikverein (R.E.M.) and this is a mix of the upcoming
opening tape compilation. each artist composed a track with a regional wine in their mind (and
head). all unreased! spiced up with some constructionsite sounds of her future soundstudio and
benni bascom - cuvée pt 1 (gelber muskateller)
n9oc - regent
G E K - pi noir
WDPD - dornfelder
leeway - kachelberg cs
anna hjalmarsson - trollinger spell
nika son - psalms of crispy riesling
MSHA -3962 code of huxel
florian kupfer - ehrenfelser
charlotte - scheurebe an der homebar
antonio barbetta - mueller thurgau galaxy
bermuda breeze - dionysischer “portugieser”
the dance instructor - bacchus (dance)
benni bascom - cuvée p 2 (roter muskateller)Tags: #rem, #weinmusik, #country, #drollmühle
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