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TV Incongrue

Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeSep 1st 2023

    voice: Hsia Yu
    voice and environment sound recorded by: Hsia Yu and Yan Jun in Taipei and Paris, 2011-2012
    other sound materials played and recorded by: Yan Jun in Taipei, Shanghai, Lanzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Beijing, Stockholm, Seoul, Berlin and Lausanne, 2011-2014
    saxophone in track 6 played by Jun-Y Ciao (Zhao Junyuan), recorded by Yan Jun, through feedback circuit during sound check in Nanjing, 2012
    produced, composed and mixed by Yan Jun in Beijing, 2011-2015
    mastered by: Taku Unami in Tokyo, 2015

    copyrights of poems: Hsia Yu;
    copyrights of audio works: Yan Jun & Hsia Yu;
    copyrights of poem translations: Steve Bradbury
    design: Feng Hao

    人声和环境声录音:夏宇、颜峻 2011-2012 台北、巴黎
    其他声音素材:颜峻 2011-2014 台北、上海、兰州、杭州、南京、无锡、苏州、北京、
    制作、作曲、混音:颜峻 2011-2015 北京
    母带处理:宇波拓 2015 东京

    诗歌翻译版权:Steve Bradbury

    撒把芥末 密集系列
    Sub Jam Miji Series
    sub jam m003 2016
    [email protected]

    • CommentTimeSep 1st 2023