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Vanilla 1.3.0 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
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Building upon the success of last years Alphabet Set 7″ and the recent split 7″ with C!ties on StressDebtChestPains, “Send In The Hounds” is another collection of dusty musings from the foggy corner of (sur)reality. Traditional Irish folk music presents the body for dissection. Bled. Cut up. Cured. Smoked.
From the bog at Cloonakilleg. Outside looking in. He’s thinking Wu-Tang. The other’s thinking Joe Heaney.
“Send In The Hounds” was released on 12″ vinyl April 21st at the 5th annual Community Skratch Games in Galway, Ireland.
Vinyl available for purchase at the following outlets in Ireland:
Bell, Book & Candle - Galway
All City Records, Spindizzy Records - Dublin
Plugd - Cork
and at Rarekind Records in Brighton, UK.The 12" is available to buy online at http://www.nozlrecordings.com/2011/05/01/buy-now/
Digital download available under "pay-what-you-like" terms from the "Buy Now" button below and receive the Send In The Hounds EP, including bonus tracks and original artwork.
eleased April 21, 2011
Performed and produced by Deviant & Naive Ted in Cloonakilleg, Roscommon and Limerick City, June 2010-October 2010.
Additional recording, mixing and mastering at Chiwawa Studios, Galway, Eire, Jan 2011.
Artwork by JP Hartnett
all rights reserved
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