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    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2023


    For his third full-length release on KRAAK - and first LP since 2016’s Hacia la luz - Bear Bones, Lay Low digs his probes into the serene chaos of his floating ideas. The eight tracks that make up Ideas Flotantes speak to an ineffable expanse of plausibility where sensorial matter suggests itself, peeks out from under glowing foliage and moving stones, and flares out into the murk and fluorescence of auricular biospheres. Sonic elements disjoint and bounce off each other, shedding bits of scintillating detritus that settle in and just as soon evaporate into an hazily melancholic semi-slumber. Imagine Jean Jacques Perrey’s Prélude au Sommeil emerging from the thick sweetness of tropical malady and you start to get the picture.

    Composed at the height of confinement days and during the last moons of the iconic Drogenhaus era, Ideas Flotantes provides a lulling, inquisitive counterpoint to the tribal-leaning cosmic psychedelia that the Bear Bones has been feeding our orbit these recent years. Nonetheless, a recognizable core remains, with entrancing synth ruminations and a deeply melodic intuition serving as tools for exploration, giving way to resonances that thrive like a... more
    released November 28, 2023

    A co-release with Nonlocal Research
    Recorded by Ernesto González Rondon at La Drogencasa
    Mastered by Jürgen De Blonde
    Artwork and design by EGR
    all rights reserved