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Amidst the roots of olive trees, on the earth’s crust heated up all day by a golden sun and with a sufficent dose of moonrays, you can make a voice grow from the ground. This voice, surely, would be joined by doomy basslines played by steady hands and a shaking heart. For the 27th act, Etang Brulant is happy to yield the floor to the french duo ‘Les Maîtres Fous’, composed by the musician behind ‘Les Maux’ or ‘brg’ (already seen on Etang Brulant, or the Berlin-based imprint Ygam) and a french language lyricist and singer that you can call from now on ‘Labolakis’. For their debut EP, after two performances operated between Marseille and Paris, the duo confirms its talent with 6 powerful tracks and its unique vision of french variety, revisited with tr(h)ip-hop rhythmics or technoid drumkits, squeezed dry to let the soothing voice of Labolakis emerge from reverberated atmospheres or gabber-ish kicks.
The whole project, according to the words of the duo itself, is built as a « cosmic trip ». An initiatory journey between our material world and an invisible one, navigating between different ages and mindsets, therefore drawing a mental evolution and a personal direction towards some form of inner release (isn’t it the actual aim of any initiatory journey ?). Whether in the lyrics or the music itself, one... more
released May 5, 2021All tracks composed by LM
All text written by Labolakis
Mix/mastering : Mathieu Bonnafous
Deep thanks to Angel, Gwenaël from Le Petit Lycée in Marseille, and Victor & Léa
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