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This one is a heartbreaker, for the heartbroken.
X-press Feeders already sounds like greed. Billions of plastique pearls are not the worst of it. A temporally broken weapon manufacturing supporting chemistry supply-chain on the cost of the coast and it's inhabitants and the live-sustaining ocean. This is global capitalism, it's nothing but a POLLUTANT.
The ship carried 1486 containers with around 42 chemicals in over 700. Low and high-density polyethene nurdles, caustic soda, methanol, sodium methoxide, nitric acid, urea, vinyl acetate, epoxy resin (349 containers), lubricant oil (39 containers), and other chemical containers were among the compounds. There were also 81 dangerous containers, including lithium-ion batteries, copper slags, lead ingots, and electronic items that typically contained hazardous compounds. Following the disaster, it was found that there was still a risk of bunker oil leaking from the ship. The disaster’s most immediate and substantial impact was raw material, plastic pellets and other debris washing up on the beach several days after the major fire broke out on May 25, 2021.
these days and nights my C-PTSD has been a heavy burden on me, together with very recent expriences that are shattering my remaining heart fragments into dust, listening to my own recordings are my sleep-crutches. i listen to them when my mind boils over and the heart-aches need numbing. to be listened to in the dark, horizontal + loud.
released September 16, 2023All sound sources are METSÄÄN machines, build and played by GRM, recorded in the by now destroyed METSÄÄN studio in 2021. Artwork and mastering by GRM for TOTES FORMAT.
mon nouveau favorite band
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