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    • CommentTimeApr 5th 2024

    Tymbal Tapes is pleased to present a re-press of "Whip Sigils," the debut solo CD of label founder Scott Scholz. This new edition contains an additional EP of full-band material, as the project is transforming from a recording project to a real live band, coming soon to a confraternity near you!

    In the early days of the COVID pandemic, composer and music librarian Scott Scholz started a project to explore how previous cultures had addressed pandemics musically. This simple premise became an ever-expanding series of inquiries over the next three years, leading him in directions he never imagined.

    “I dived into parts of music history I’d only glossed over before. I listened to dozens of albums of early music, electroacoustic music, and contemporary and ancient music from the Middle East. I taught myself to transcribe Medieval neumatic notation into modern notation. I studied musical systems of the Middle East, and compared how they intersect with early Western music. I taught myself the basics of granular synthesis. I learned how to play instruments like the oud and the saz/baglama. I re-fretted a guitar to add microtones. I rebuilt an old kurdish tanbur that had been a wall decoration at a luthier shop that went out of business. I gutted the electronic gadgets I’ve... more
    released March 10, 2024

    Many thanks to Arvo Zylo, who first released "Whip Sigils" on his NO PART OF IT label, one of our all-time favorite labels. The layout, design, and the fact that so many people have heard about the project, are all because of his hard work. Be sure to check out his label (and grab the digital version of Whip Sigils from them if you'd like!):

    Whip Sigils CD:

    Scott Scholz: saz, oud, guitar, software, paper. Written 2020-2023; recorded 2022-2023.

    "Nu ist diu betfart" is a 14th C. geisslerlied.

    "Maria unser frowe" is a 14th C. geisslerlied.

    "Nu tret Herzuo" is a 14th C. geisslerlied.

    "Chi vole" is a 13th C. lauda.

    "Le Bouvier," aka "Le Boier," aka "Lo Boier," is a 13th C. Cather hymn.

    "Carro della morte," aka "Dolor Pianto," is a 15th C. carnival song.

    Cover art is taken from "Triumph and dance of death" (Giacomo Borlone de Buschis, 1485). For more information about the rest of the art in the package, check out this video:

    Whip Sigils "Expiation" CD EP:

    Scott Scholz - saz, guitar, kalimba, bass, software
    Ben Armstrong - drums
    Stuart Gausman - sax, synths
    Eric Aspengren - bass

    arranged/recorded Oct 2023-Feb 2024

    Cover image of flagellants was published in the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493, woodcut, unknown artist.

    "Nu hebent" is a 14th C. geisslerlied. This version is heavily based on an arrangement by the excellent German early music ensemble Nimmersêlich:

    "Moro lasso" is a madrigal by Gesualdo, written approx. 1611.

    Noblis Humilis, aka St. Magnus Hymn, dates to the 13th C.

    "De la crudel" is a 13th C. lauda.

    "Maria Muoter Reinû Maît" is a 14th C. geisslerlied.
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