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martine ravage records
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L'Eau Qui Dort
cat# RAVAGE16
Bancal finally releases its 1st LP. A 2-year selection of 10 melodic tracks with an experimental edge.
His breakbeats roots are not far away. But this time , it's an innner balads with nostalgic analog sounds.
For lover of Richard D. James and Michael Paradinas compositions.
Like a seaside stroll between storms and lulls, oscillating between sadness and joy, contemplation and big bass.
Still waters run deep.
released 26 avril 2024
Artwork by Quentin Guichard
Mastered by Adrien Dauvergne
Composed and mixed by Clément Decaudin
MARTINE RAVAGE / Musique Electronique Inaccoumutée
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