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Wankers united (W.U.) will close 2024 for Evel. In this month full of heavy beats and dark and melancholic melodies we put the icing on the cake with this deep and groovy album.
If there is something that runs through Tom's (W.U.) veins it is Funk. Any enthusiast will be able to get lost and delight in the extensive repertoire that Tom has developed in recent years.
In Zootech W.U. abandons the classic Funk formula and enters the territories of minimalist and dark electronics. In this genre, which is usually ruled by bass, it is the glitch details and twisted passages that delight our restless minds. The repetitive rhythms induce us to dance or get carried away by the groove, and being such low frequencies, they leave a lot of room to play where you can appreciate the tails of the reverbs and delays that make a stellar set of details.I think that a lot of contemporary electronic music is an exhaustive study of all the components of Funk. If you talk to any producer of House, Techno, D&B, breakcore, Hip hop (obviously), even the most experimental music, almost everyone will agree on the same thing. After all, it has to have that Funk component.
Here you have a wonderfully stylish and refined version of this style that we like so much.
I hope you enjoyed this wonderful 2024 as much as we did. See you in 2025!!
released December 20, 2024W&P: Thomas Lanza
Artwork Layout: Aplauso Studio
Master: Alfonso (Evel)
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