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    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009 edited

    Hello again!

    Here's a new record, a compilation. Tetrabrik Records, label from Mallorca, in collaboration with La Olla Expréss, just launch a new release: VETERINARIOS DEL REFRIGERADOR

    Check it here:

    Some of the artists are friends! The list:

    1 Puyo Puyo 'Madame H'
    2 DNF 'Jugend, drech, drich frei'
    3 Tech nomader 'Arponero'
    4 Shirayas dream 'Floating in space'
    5 Juan Crek & Celeste 'No hacer'
    6 Necro stellar 'The 7 rays of da kapa preta'
    7 S.E.T.B. 'Proton reactor'
    8 Sixidd 'Free me'
    9 Ceresoles 'Llegamos'
    10 Larva 'El sol se ha puesto'
    11 Mery Ann 'Sistema'
    12 Dix Ferro & Accidents Polipoetics ' Retrato en verde'
    13 Motor Combo 'Las zapatillas suecas'
    14 Bene Gesserit 'Que preféres - tu??'
    15 Victor Rubla 'Hasta ser brillante y opaco'
    16 Biel Oliver 'A solas con todo el mundo'
    17 M.A.L. 'For Daevid Alleen'
    18 Cortical Systems 'The end'
    19 Rafael Flores 'Carofligio'
    20 Pedro Trotz 'Proyecto humanoide'

    Au revoir!

    Des Bisous.

  1.  permalink

    Cool to have Las zapatillas suecas on a record ! Eager to hear the MC album and the others from the comp.

    • CommentTimeAug 30th 2009

    Yes Pascal! But are the not masterized Zapatillas, is one of the last mix I did.
    This is for the record, with the rest of themes
    Buf, I'm unpatient for this aswell, our record. I want it this year! Too many things at the same time.