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Tout plein d'explications là : http://www.openculture.com/2016/10/avant-garde-bauhaus-ballet-in-brilliant-color.html
A dance by Lisa Nelson and Steve Paxton
music: Robert Ashley. "Private Parts", Lovely Music.
video: Penny Ward
1983 Danspace, NYC
The improvisational score for this dance, which Nelson and Paxton performed from 1978 to 2002, is the dance that arises within the setting/environment of the sound and the costumes. The structure is solo, duet, solo, duet. The movement and interaction of the performers is completely open.note: the first 3 minutes are too dark to see on video. skip ahead.
My Mother is a breathtaking Butoh style dance by Kazuo Ono from 1998. You can watch the 45-minute performance here on youtube: Kazuo Ohno – My mother.
Ono was one of the founders of Butoh, which is a form of dance theatre which arose in 1959 during post-war Japan. The name Butoh means "darkness dance." My Mother truly conveys a spirit of darkness and intense emotion, and I can only imagine how fascinating it must have been to watch in real life.
Butoh encompasses playful and grotesque imagery, taboo subject matter, and extreme or absurd environments. The performers traditionally wear white body makeup and move in a slow and hyper-controlled way.
via https://boingboing.net/2021/09/26/watch-butoh-dance-cofounder-kazuo-ono-performing-my-mother.html
via aussi : https://www.bagtazocollection.com/blog/2016/8/31/performance-study-dark-dance-the-origins-of-butoh