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    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2010 edited

    Et hop une deuxième!

    Bedroom Research is proud to announce the release of BR025, a new very high quality number from Holland's Mormo.

    Epicurean Swerve is a deep, mind twisting and immersive album.Tomasz Kaye, aka Mormo, builds truly beautiful pieces of abstraction spiced with funky synth stabs, basses and ethereal melodies.

    You might detect wafts of Autechre or Phoenecia coming from this kitchen, but you won't feel like you're eating the same meal again. This is a rich, lush sounding work that will catch your attention and hold it. The more you revisit Epicurean Swerve, the more it reveals its hidden flavors. Mormo is definitely the chef in his kitchen.

    Enjoy and spread the news !
