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TV Incongrue

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    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2010

    Et zou !

    A lot of the tracks I Dj´ed during the last months.. Had to get that out of the way before 2011 .. Got a bit fast in the end .. Guess I had to hurry up for my well deserved holiday.. Don´t miss to subscribe for my newsletter on:
    Enjoy, C ya soon!

    01 Destiny Bounce - Candie Hank, MC Shade, Puppetamstaz, Destinys Child Mash Up
    02 Cumbia Daddy - Los Daddys
    03 no title available - not available right now
    04 Prosettis Childhood - Patric Catani feat. Yuko Matsuyama
    05 Diamonds&Rubins - Wu-Tang Clan
    06 Hypnotica - Patric Catani
    07 Run-it - EPMD
    08 Dreadlock Medusa - Patric Catani
    09 Blunty - Toytone (Patric Catani)
    10 Witness Dub - Cherman
    11 Melareagg - Patric Catani
    12 Move! - Mims
    13 La Cumbia Arabe - Los Daddys
    14 So Krispy - Kinfolk Kia Shine
    15 Rude Boy Remix - Rhianna / Stereotyp Rmx
    16 unknown - DJ Coco Beat (Bulgarian Tcalga Tape I found)
    17 Der kleine Ernst Remix - Driver&Driver
    18 Cumbia Meclada - Los Daddys
    19 Le Desastre - Candie Hank
    20 NoHoe Rmx - E40, Beeda Weeda + Jacka
    21 Tia Maria - Cherman
    22 Pronto - Messer für Frau Müller
    23 Proto Delices - Groupgris
    24 The Candy - MRC / Octopus
    25 Daleduro Rmx - Bombom Asesino
    26 We all go die tonite - Candie Hank feat. MC Shade
    27 Human Piles - Kap Bambino
    28 I like I - Messer für Frau Müller

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