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    • CommentAuthorRWM
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011

    Conversation with sound collector Ed Veenstra


    Dutch collector Ed Veenstra collects all kinds of music-objects by plastic artists (a total of around 3,500) who have worked with sound at some point in their careers. Records, but also what he calls 'anti-records,' strange, impossible and unclassifiable formats that approach the object from a radically different perspective and exceed the traditional functions of the medium. His thorough and detailed collection and classification work sheds light on the art world's fascination with sound and music.

    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2011 edited

    Hi, I was there yesterday. There we saw some wonders in packagin and rare art editions. Was very interesting. I saw a Gangpol & Mit one :) between quite curious things of all the times and interesting explanations. I gave him some Olla editions Puyo Puyo and so, is not exactly what he search (by the way, may be he would interest abot Pascal picture vynil or other art-records that I know some of you has published) He gave me in exhange a record as well. All together was very nice.