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    • CommentAuthorRWM
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2011

    Interview with Ivan Novak, one of the members of Laibach, about its history and his views on some of the recurring themes in the group's work.


    Laibach formed in 1980 in Trbovlje, a revolutionary mining town in Slovenia. The group appeared on the scene in the guise of a totalitarian "organism" with a zeal for authority that exceeded even that of the State. These kinds of attitudes led them to be denounced as reactionary troublemakers and they were banned from playing in their own country for years. In 1984, with the visual arts collective IRWIN and the group Gledalisce Sester Scipion Nasice, Laibach founded the aesthetic movement NSK (Neue Slowenische Kunst), which is widely considered to be one of the most powerful and controversial artistic experiences of recent decades.

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